Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy or Campaign using SOSTAC Model: A case study on Apple. By Dr. Hasan


Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy or Campaign of Apple by using SOSTAC Model.


This paper aims to assess prevailing digital market trends, analyse consumer behaviour, and propose strategic marketing approaches to augment brand exposure and stimulate company expansion. Also, give Clearview points about the selected brand. A digital marketing plan is a thorough and strategic framework delineating an organisation's online marketing objectives, techniques, and channels to accomplish business goals (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick, 2022). It entails using digital channels such as social media, SEO, email, and content marketing to amplify brand visibility and stimulate conversions. According to Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick (2022), it acts as a guide, ensuring that digital initiatives align with overall company strategy and may be adjusted to fit the ever-changing online environment. A digital marketing campaign is a targeted effort inside the digital marketing strategy with a defined duration and goal. Kotler et al. (2021) describe it as a synchronised series of actions to accomplish a specific marketing objective, such as enhancing brand recognition, generating sales, or advertising a novel product or service. The following section demonstrates an integrated digital marketing strategy based on Apple using the SOSTAC model. 

Figure One: SOSTAC Model 

What is the SOSTAC methodology? All you need to know
(Source: Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick, 20222)

Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy or Campaign using SOSTAC Model: A case study on Apple. 

Situation Analysis:

4M Analysis: 

Digital marketing uses the SWOT, PESTEL, and 4Ps frameworks to understand business circumstances. Although "4M analysis" is unfamiliar, referring to authoritative sources such as industry journals, marketing blogs, or formal documentation provided by specialists is advisable. Moreover, seek advice from experts who are well-informed about the industry's most current trends and approaches to guarantee successful marketing tactics. A 4M analysis can be made on the Apple company as below: 

Figure Two: 4M Analysis. 



(Source: Chaffey and |Ellis-Chadwick, 2022) 


Table 1: 4M Analysis of Apple 

4M Analysis 






Apple has a segmentation approach encompasses demographic, psychographic, and behavioural factors to ‘’focus on users that prioritise innovation, superior quality, and a smooth user experience. The iPhone targets technologically inclined persons’’, but its brand has a broad worldwide appeal (Kotler et al., 2021). However, if they follow a niche strategy and would like to give a unique experience with their feature, it helps build more trust in the brand.  




Apple’s message is ‘think everything differently’ and focuses on innovation, user experience, and lifestyle integration. Besides, their marketing tactics emphasise distinctive attributes, such as the iOS environment and state-of-the-art technology, to create a persuasive storyline that deeply connects with their intended audience (Smith & Irwin, 2018). 





The iPhone is the leading brand in the high-end smartphone industry worldwide, catering to technologically inclined customers who want state-of-the-art capabilities, elegant aesthetics, and effortless compatibility. Apple’s marketing strategy prioritises exclusivity and innovation to preserve its premium market standing (Kotler et al., 2021). Finally, young generations with a smooth experience and the brand Suzi people are eager to use this brand, which indicates that Apple is a successful company to their target. 






Apple's media marketing approach combines innovation with narrative. The firm utilises prominent product releases, compelling television advertisements, and a proactive presence on social media channels to effectively interact with its target audience (Smith & Firth, 2018) 

Apple's ‘Shot on iPhone’ campaign highlights user-generated material, demonstrating the smartphone's photographic capabilities and cultivating a community of Apple lovers (Smith, 2018). Apple uses digital channels and carefully designed commercials to create compelling stories beyond product attributes, fostering emotional connections with customers and reinforcing the brand's identity. 

SWOT analysis of Apple: 

In strategic planning, a SWOT analysis systematically evaluates the possibilities and threats an organisation encounters from the outside world and its internal strengths and weaknesses. It offers valuable information for making informed decisions (Helms & Nixon, 2010). SWOT analysis on Apple can be presented as below: 

Figure Three: SWOT Analysis on Apple 



(Source: Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick, 2022) 

Table 2: SWOT analysis on Apple 

SWOT analysis 

Application of apple 







Brand Equity: Apple has widespread worldwide recognition and a robust and favourable brand image.  

Innovation Leadership: Consistent and ongoing innovation is shown via the creation of famous devices like the iPhone and MacBook and the development of exclusive software like iOS and macOS (Pereira, 2023). 

Ecosystem Integration: The smooth and uninterrupted connection between devices and services promotes client loyalty (Momin, 2022). 

Retail Presence: Strategically planned and positioned Apple Stores amplify the brand encounter (Momin, 2022). 






Elevated Price Points: The product's premium pricing can hinder its ability to gain significant market share in sectors that prioritise affordability (Pereira, 2023). 

Reliance on iPhone: A substantial income is derived from iPhone sales (Pereira, 2023). 

Closed Ecosystem: The limited ability to work with non-Apple goods may cause some users to feel excluded (Pereira, 2023). 

Legal Disputes: Ongoing conflicts with patents and copyrights may negatively influence the brand's image (Pereira, 2023). 






Services Expansion: The growth of services such as Apple Music and Apple TV+ may help broaden income sources (Momin, 2022). 

Emerging Markets: Unexplored markets have prospects for expanding market dominance (Momin, 2022). 

Health & Wellness Tech: Increasing consumer demand for technology that focuses on health and well-being (Pereira, 2023).  





Intense Competition: The IT industry experiences severe rivalry, particularly in the smartphone and laptop sectors. (Pereira, 2023). 

Supply Chain Disruptions: Global events or disruptions may affect the supply chain. (Pereira, 2023). 

Altering Consumer Trends: Consumer taste changes might impact the Apple goods market (Pereira, 2023). 

Regulatory Challenges: The growing scrutiny of technology enterprises might result in obstacles and difficulties related to regulations (Momin, 2022). 


Digital marketing ‘SMART’ objectives of Apple: 

Table 3: SMART Objectives of Apple 

SMART Objectives 

Application to the Apple 



Get more people to visit Apple's website via social media ads and posts so that the company may sell at least 5% more new products than the previous models. Accumulate 5% more leads by the time release of the following product (Romero, 2021) 



Keep an eye on the key performance indicators (KPIs) listed below to determine what data points are worth analysing, such as conversion rates, hashtag use, customer happiness and loyalty, and competitive advantages and disadvantages (Romero, 2021). 



Share announcements about changes and new releases on social media to drive traffic to your website. As an alternative to making purchases in-store, provide Apple assistance and free contactless delivery when you shop online (Romero, 2021). 



Set a target to boost social media engagement by at least 5% and measure key performance indicators. Apple may continue selling items to current and new consumers as planned. Regularly promoting new product features via social media will keep the brand in the public eye (Romero, 2021). 



Time Bound 

Implementing a system to monitor SMART objectives and KPIs over six months may provide valuable feedback and in-depth analysis of the newly released iPhone 12 models. The data obtained will benefit Apple as it progresses with the recently announced A14 Bionic processing unit in the following years. All essential software or product upgrades may be acknowledged and effectively dealt with within this period (Romero, 2021). 

Promotional mix strategy: 

The promotion mix is an all-encompassing collection of tactics, including ads, sales promotions, personal selling, PR, DM, and digital/Internet marketing. It is believed that various outcomes may be achieved by using these various approaches (Albrecht, 2023). The promotional mix strategies of Apple are as follows: 

Figure Four: Promotional Mix strategy. 


(Source: Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick, 2022) 

Table 4: Promotional mix strategy of Apple 

Promotional Mix 



Stunning visuals and powerful messages are hallmarks of Apple's advertising campaigns. Ads showcase Apple products and services, strengthening consumer devotion to the brand (Kotler et al., 2021). 

Sales Promotions 

Apple occasionally runs promotions, such as trade-in programmes and discounts for learning institutions, as a marketing tactic to boost sales and appeal to specific demographics (Kotler et al., 2021). 

Public Relations 

Apple spends heavily on events and media relations to boost its public image. New product releases, speeches, and press releases highlight the brand's innovative and CSR initiatives while keeping the audience interested (Kotler et al., 2021). 

Direct Marketing 

Apple relies on personalised emails, tailored communications, and the Apple Store app for its direct marketing campaigns. Client information is used to personalise marketing campaigns and communications (Kotler et al., 2021). 

Personal Selling 

Apple's retail outlets and online chat support department promote personal selling. Well-informed employees provide direction, which improves customers' overall experience and helps build confidence in the business (Kotler et al., 2021). 


Tactics- Marketing mix (4Ps) analysis on Apple: 

The 4Ps refer to a specific item's product, pricing, placement, and promotion. They exemplify a ‘marketing mix’ concept, which denotes the amalgamation of tools and strategies marketers use to achieve their marketing objectives (Kenton, 2023). Based on the 4P analysis, the following section provides an insight into Apple and how they utilise it for their company: 



Figure Five: Marketing Mix Analysis 


(Source: Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick, 2022) 


Table 5: 4P Analysis of Apple  

4P Analysis 




• Introduces unique products for worldwide customers.  

• Provides goods and services.  

• Prioritises quality over quantity, improving goods. 

•Business expands from computer to information technology (Shastri, 2021). 





•Uses online and physical distribution methods. 

•Products are sold directly by Apple shops. 

• Apple's website, Amazon, and Flipkart provide direct purchasing. 

• Corporate resellers: Selects by shop size and monthly sales. 

• Global product availability helps Apple reach more customers and raise brand recognition (Shastri, 2021). 




•High-end Apple products are priced more than competitors to attract high-affordability buyers. 

• High-end items and technology cost more. 

•Why Apple does not provide sales and maintains regular prices.  

• Its strong brand and fan following justify increased prices (Shastri, 2021). 






•Apple Marketing Mix and Promotion Strategy 

• Advertise aggressively on TV, billboards, and online. 

•The 1997 "Think Different" ad promoted Apple's worth in a fast-paced environment. 

• Offers exceptional items to a niche market. 

• Simple, direct ads run when a product launches or during its existence. 

• Promotes Apple's excellent user experience. 

• "The Greatest," released recently, displays accessible tech. 

• Strategically promote privacy on billboards (Shastri, 2021). 


Action or Implementation: 

Social media Listen-Response (SMLR) Loop: 

Social media Listen-Response (SMLR) Loop is comprised of several parts. Among them are monitoring various social media platforms for mentions, analysing the collected data, and reacting strategically (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick, 2022). In addition to facilitating the development of targeted marketing strategies, this iterative approach also contributes to the enhancement of customer comprehension and involvement with the brand: 

Figure Six: Social media Listen-Response (SMLR) loop. 


(Source: Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick, 2022) 

  1. Listening: At this stage, Apple is using social media monitoring to gather brand-related mentions, comments, and debates. It is all about reading the tea leaves, seeing patterns, and getting a feel for the general vibe of consumer mood (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010) (Smith et al., 2012). 

  1. Harvest data: By gathering data via listening, Apple can get valuable insights. To comprehend customer preferences, opinions, and behaviours, it is essential to analyse the collected data to identify significant trends (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010) (Smith et al., 2012). 

  1. Create content: Organizations might use the collected data to create content strategically focusing on reaching their demographic. Activities like responding to consumer complaints and developing trend-appropriate, eye-catching ads could be part of the material (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010) (Smith et al., 2012). 

  1. Build advocacy: A firm's goal is to have satisfied consumers who become champions for the brand. Brand advocates actively promote and endorse businesses to their social and professional networks. Companies may enhance their network by embracing constructive feedback, encouraging user-generated content, and fostering community (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010) (Smith et al., 2012). 

  1. Respond: Responding is a crucial component of the SMLR Loop. By promptly and intelligently addressing client issues, complaints, and praises, a company enhances its reputation and reinforces customer loyalty. For the establishment of digital trust and engagement, it is necessary to have bilateral communication (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010) (Smith et al., 2012). 


3H model: 

The content creation process often includes the stages of strategising, producing, disseminating, and evaluating the material. Facilitating and coordinating these activities might also serve as exemplars. Besides, given the increasing importance of the 3H Model, it is advisable to consult the latest and most reliable content marketing resources for accurate information and guidance (Hymes, 2017). Overall, it will give the best critical insight into content marketing. 

Figure Seven: 3H Model of Content Marketing. 


(Source: Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick, 2022) 

Table Six: 3H Content Analysis on Apple 


Application on apple 


Hero content 

Apple is known for its focus on technological innovation and innovative features and designs to attract customers. For instance, WWDC KEYNOTE 2023 is Apple's all-time keynote to attract new consumers (WWDC23, 2023). 



Help Content 

Apple's extensive ecosystem, user-friendly interfaces, and streamlined purchasing processes enable it to provide a superior customer experience, fostering active customer engagement. For instance, apple has a step-by-step setup service, which helps users understand the Apple setup process and use (, 2024) 


Hub content 

Apple's marketing strategy prioritises fostering emotional connections, enhancing user experience, and integrating their products. For instance, apple hasswiped series’ where they upload all outstanding content, which helps to improve consumer use experience (, 2024) 

AIDA Model: 

AIDA model contains four key distinct stages, Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action, a widely used marketing model to create customer engagement (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick, 2022).  


Figure Eight: AIDA model 


Table Seven: AIDA model analysis on Apple 

AIDA Model 




Apple generates excitement with breakthrough product releases and fresh features (, 2022). 



Apple emphasises the product's distinctive features and value to users (, 2022). 



Uses compelling narrative and branding to make items seem desired and aspirational (, 2022). 



Apple encourages determination by providing smooth user experiences and straightforward buying procedures (, 2022). 

Control- Metrics: 

One of the most successful companies in the world, Apple, uses various control measures to evaluate and enhance its business and marketing strategies. Additionally, Apple has reached the most significant levels of success. Some examples of control metrics Apple may consider are listed below, even though specific internal measurements are not disclosed to the public. Now, the following section is providing Apple Instagram 1 week report post report last 1st January to 7th January 2024, a total four posts: 

A group of colorful rectangular boxes with text

Description automatically generated with medium confidenceFigure Eight: Control metrics of Apple 

(Source from:, 2024) 

Post number 1- like_ 205,300, comment_ 1879, Share_ 1089, 

Post number 2- like_ 100,456, comment_ 1009, Share_ 2056, 

Post number 3- like_ 307,876, comment_ 1908, Share_ 4659, 

Post number 3- like_ 205,300, comment_ 2567, Share_ 706, 


Applause rate: 818,932/4 = 204,733 

Amplification rate: 8510/4 = 2127.5 

Conversation rate: 7363/4 = 1840.75 

As we can see above, all of Apple's social response results are included. This is also a way to get a control metrics report from social media. 


In conclusion, Apple's digital marketing strategy using the SOSTAC model is based on innovation, customer experience, and excellence achieved via targeted advertisements, compelling content, and active participation on social media platforms. The firm uses innovative marketing strategies, including product releases, television advertisements, and social media platforms, to maintain its position as a leader in the industry and foster client loyalty. Apple's SWOT analysis encompasses notable attributes such as substantial brand equity, pioneering innovation, seamless ecosystem integration, and extensive retail presence. The company's promotional mix encompasses advertising, public relations, direct marketing, and personal selling. 


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