The Six Pillars of Customer Experience Analysis on Sephora


Written By: Dr. Hasan, Digital and Social media marketing specialists

The Six Pillars of Customer Experience Analysis on Sephora:

The following sections evaluate and improve the customer experience by using the six pillars of customer experience:

Figure-1: Six Pillars of customer experience

(Source: Karchin and Horvarth, 2023)

Six Pillars


(1 = Strongly disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, and 5 = Strongly agree).







Time and effort







Based on the six pillars of customer experience evaluation, the organisation's greatest strength is to create personalisation, integrity, and empathy.


Sephora has created personalisation by bringing different types of brands under one roof (Tentori et al., 2023). The idea of Sephora was to create a playground for the customers to try additional product items and get a personalised customer experience (Karchin and Hovath, 2023). Also, the digital platform was designed so that the customers can get personalised customer experiences by using the latest technology (Ozturk and Kip, 2022). Customers can discover new products which are highly personalised.



The customers highly trust the organisation. Sephora has created rational, emotional, and impulsive customer needs to build greater trust in its brand (Tentori et al., 2023). Integrity has made a planned purchase by its customers. Customers can try various things in their playground, giving them greater integrity (Karchin and Hovarth, 2023).



The organisation is empathetic to customer’s circumstances. Sephora provides an uplifting customer experience which triggers their customers to purchase from them (Tentori et al., 2023). The customers always explore new experiences, and the customer service is empathic based on their circumstances (Karchin and Horvath, 2023). Sephora has virtual or physical store assistance that can create customer empathy by providing suggestions and new thoughts (Ozturk and Kip, 2022).


Most significant opportunity for improvement:

Most significantly, Sephora has opportunities to create more customer engagement by applying the latest technology, such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). They can also contemplate a broader range of virtual assistance or voice recognition software to increase customer engagement. They can deliver a more significant level of personalisation for male and female products by using an Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled playground where customers can experience personalisation (Karchin and Hovarth, 2023). Also, there is an opportunity for allowing virtual mirrors, as they are getting popular nowadays, to increase integrity and save time and effort to turn poor customer experiences into good ones (Ozturk and Kip, 2022). More significant opportunities exist to expand man-friendly products as men also buy online. Therefore, a more user-friendly customised shopping experience can be created for men using the latest technology, such as Chatbot (Tentori et al., 2023).


Recommended steps for Sephora to pursue to capture the opportunity:

1.       Sephora can exceed its customer’s expectations by applying the latest technology, such as AI. They can introduce more Augmented Reality (AR) experiences to better understand their customer’s demands and provide more individualised experiences (Tentori et al., 2023). For instance, Loreal has introduced its beauty app and is using AR technology to deliver more customised experiences, and Sephora can take a similar strategy to exceed its customers’ expectations.

2.       Sephora can enhance the cosmetic industry by creating more man-friendly products. They can also increase the level of inclusivity in their products. They can add more new offerings to improve integrity. The latest technology, such as Virtual Reality (VR), can increase visibility and customer trust (Karchin and Hovarth, 2023).

3.       Sephora can create empathy for its customers by leveraging cutting-edge technology, such as creating more appeal towards techno-savvy customers. They can also increase investment towards the male sector by including facial hair care and other skin care products to increase empathy (Ozturk and Kip, 2022).



Karchin, L. and Horvath, D., 2023. Cosmetics Marketing: Strategy and Innovation in the Beauty Industry. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Öztürk, B. and Kip, S., 2022. Effects of traditional and digital experiential marketing on brand loyalty: A Research on sephora brand (Master's thesis, İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi).

Tentori, M., Torregrosa, M. and SanMiguel, P., 2023. Localization Strategies in Fashion Influencer Marketing: An exploratory study. Revista panamericana de comunicación5(1), pp.51-68.


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