Market Segmentation by using VALS framework: By Dr. Hasan.

This section has identified ‘Thinkers’ and ‘Experiencers’ customers based on the VALS framework, such as:  


Figure-1: VALS Framework  


  • Customers are motivated by ideals, including bloggers and celebrities. 
  • Seeking out information in their decision-making process 
  • More conservative and practical 

Sephora, UK


  • Customers are motivated by self-expression.  
  • Can be fickle in their needs. 
  • Seeking various product items, and they are generally risk takers. 
  • Care about appearances 
  • Influence others.  

Sephora, London

Job the product or offerings does for each segment: 

  1. Thinkers: 

  • Sephora provides social forums where celebrities can discuss new products and services and influence customers to purchase.
  • Sephora has store assistants and virtual store assistants to deliver necessary information to their customers (Karchin & Horvath, 2023).  

Video of Sephora.

  1. Experiencers: 

  • Sephora constantly provides in-store experiences by using their in-store displays and store assistance.
  • Customers can try various product items and influence more customers who care about their appearance (Tentori et al., 2023)
  • Also, Sephora is delivering customised product offerings depending on the needs of their customers by using their mobile app services (Ozturk & Kip, 2022) 


Karchin, L. and Horvath, D., 2023. Cosmetics Marketing: Strategy and Innovation in the Beauty Industry. Bloomsbury Publishing. 

Öztürk, B. and Kip, S., 2022. Effects of traditional and digital experiential marketing on brand loyalty: A Research on sephora brand (Master's thesis, İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi). 

Tentori, M., Torregrosa, M. and SanMiguel, P., 2023. Localization Strategies in Fashion Influencer Marketing: An exploratory study. Revista panamericana de comunicación, 5(1), pp.51-68. 


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