What the data says about media consumption? By Dr. Hasan.

What the data says about media consumption? 

  • In 2017, it was estimated that 46% of all US smartphone owners reach for their phones as soon as they wake up in the morning (ReportLinker, 2017).

  • Considering that the first iPhone was only introduced to the market in 2007, it is astounding to ponder the changes in consumer habits since then, and how many people now start their day connecting to the world via their smart device. 

IPhone 13 Pro Max

This interactive infographic provides you with the opportunity to explore the trends in the ways that media consumption has evolved.

Click on the various hours of device usage and the different countries to see the trend lines and changes over time. Do you notice any similarities or differences in the changing habits of media consumption?  


Interactive infographic: What the data says about media consumption. 

  • Consider these trends in relation to the present. How much do they still reflect the trends of media consumption in the everyday life of your geographical region?

  • Do you have any speculations about what the future of media consumption may look like? What types of disruptive forces do you think could change these speculations? 


BARB. 2018. Trends in television viewing. Available: https://www.barb.co.uk/trendspotting/data/trends-in-tv/ [2018, July 16]. 

EMarketer. 2016a. Growth in time spent with media is slowing. Available: https://www.emarketer.com/Article/Growth-Time-Spent-with-Media-Slowing/1014042 [2018, July 16]. 

EMarketer. 2016b. Advertisers in China will devote 58.3% of budgets to digital media in 2016. Available: https://www.emarketer.com/Article/Digital-Overtakes-Traditional-Media-China-TV-Consumption-Holds-Strong/1013881 [2018, July 16]. 

EMarketer. 2017. Smartphone use headed for a new milestone in the UK. Available: https://www.emarketer.com/Article/Smartphone-Use-Headed-New-Milestone-UK/1016444 [2018, July 16]. 

EMarketer. 2018. In Chine, mobile usage will overtake TV this year. Available: https://www.emarketer.com/content/in-china-mobile-usage-will-overtake-tv-this-year [2020, April 28]. 

EMarketer. 2019. UK Time spent with Media in 2019. Available: https://www.emarketer.com/content/uk-time-spent-with-media-2019 [2020, April 26]. 

EMarketer. 2018. Time spent with media plateaus in UK. Available: https://www.emarketer.com/content/time-spent-with-media-plateaus-in-uk [2018, July 16]. 

EMarketer. 2019. US time spent with mobile 2019. Available: https://www.emarketer.com/content/us-time-spent-with-mobile-2019 [2020, April 26]. 

Mobile Marketing. 2017. Smartphone internet usage surpasses desktop and laptop for the first time in the UK. Available: https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/smartphone-internet-usage-surpasses-desktop-laptop-uk-emarketer [2020. April 26]. 

Ofcom. 2019. Media nations: UK 2019. Available: https://www.ofcom.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0019/160714/media-nations-2019-uk-report.pdf [2020, 26 April]. 

ReportLinker. 2017. For most smartphone users, it’s a ‘round-the-clock’ connection. Available: https://www.reportlinker.com/insight/smartphone-connection.html [2018, July 16]. 

Statista. 2020. Average time spent per day using desktop/laptop computers in China from 2011 to 2020. Available: https://www.statista.com/statistics/467512/china-average-daily-time-spent-using-desktop-laptop-computers/  [2020, April 26]. 



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