Ways of improving the brand authenticity- A case study of Airbnb by Dr. Hasan.


Ways of improving the brand authenticity- A case study of Airbnb by Dr. Hasan. 


1.   Identify what Airbnb stands for: You should tell what kind of brand your organisation wants to be and what it wants to convey.

Airbnb has crafted a brand that centres on authenticity and belonging. Here is what sets them apart:

·       Authenticity: Airbnb offers unique accommodations and immersive experiences that allow travellers to connect authentically with local cultures (Airbnb, 2024).   Unlike traditional hotels, Airbnb provides personalised and affordable options that make you feel like you belong in different destinations (Giannoni et al., 2021).

·       Airbnb's symbolic 'Bélo' emblem is more than just a logo; it is a powerful representation of its commitment to fostering genuine connections (Airbnb, 2024). It symbolises discovery and belonging, encapsulating the essence of its platform (Sakr et al., 2024).

·       Positive Hospitality: Despite challenges and sceptics, Airbnb stands firm in its commitment to creating a positive and inclusive tourist experience (Giannoni et al., 2021). They invite you to discover, explore, and be part of something bigger—a departure from traditional accommodations' stale, cookie-cutter approach. This unwavering commitment is a testament to the strength of Airbnb's brand (Sakr et al., 2024).

So, when customers prefer an extraordinary travel journey beyond the ordinary, Airbnb can deliver the go-to platform.


2.      Evaluation of Airbnb's function. Does your offering deliver on the function(s) it promises?

The following sections evaluate Airbnb’s brand function and whether it delivers on its promises:

1.      Accommodation Variety: Airbnb doesn't just promise a wide range of accommodations, it delivers on this promise with a diverse array of options, from cosy apartments to treehouses and castles (Airbnb, 2024). This unique offering is a key driver of Airbnb's brand success and a testament to its ability to deliver on its promises (Sakr et al., 2024).

2.      Local Experiences: Airbnb emphasises authentic experiences by connecting travellers with local hosts (Airbnb, 2024).  Users can immerse themselves in their destination's culture, cuisine, and lifestyle. This function aligns with their promise (Giannoni et al., 2021).

3.      Affordability: Airbnb often provides more affordable alternatives than traditional hotels (Airbnb, 2024). By allowing guests to stay in someone’s home, Airbnb saves on costs while enjoying a personalised experience (Negi & Tripathi, 2023).

4.      Community and Belonging: Airbnb aims to foster a sense of belonging (Airbnb, 2024). While this can vary based on individual experiences, many guests appreciate the personal touch and connections they make with hosts (Sakr et al., 2024).

5.      Safety and Trust: Airbnb has tried to enhance safety and trust through verified profiles, reviews, and secure payment systems (Airbnb, 2024). However, occasional incidents challenge this promise (Chung, & Sarnikar, 2022).

In summary, Airbnb primarily delivers on its brand functions, but individual experiences may vary. It remains a popular choice for travellers seeking unique stays and local interactions.


3.      Evaluate how focussed and consistent Airbnb's brand’s messaging and storytelling is. Does it tell a consistent story, or is its message diluted by competing stories?

Airbnb’s brand messaging and storytelling have evolved, and while they maintain a consistent core, there have been instances of competing narratives:

  1. Consistent Story:
    • Belonging and Authenticity: Airbnb consistently emphasises belonging and authentic experiences (Airbnb, 2024).  Their messaging revolves around connecting travellers with local hosts, immersing them in unique cultures, and fostering genuine connections (Reinhold & Dlnical, 2018).
    • “Live There” Campaign: The ‘Live There’ campaign reinforced this message, encouraging travellers to experience destinations like locals rather than tourists (Chung, & Sarnikar, 2022).
  2. Competing Stories:
    • Business Travel: Initially, Airbnb positioned itself as a platform for leisure travellers (Giannoni et al., 2021).  However, they later expanded into the business travel segment, introducing a different narrative (Sakr et al., 2024).   While it broadened their reach, it also diluted the original story of personal connections (Negi & Tripathi, 2023).
    • Luxury and Plus: Airbnb introduced luxury listings and the Airbnb Plus program, targeting upscale travellers (Airbnb, 2024).  This move shifted the focus from affordability and local experiences to curated luxury, potentially confusing their brand identity (Negi & Tripathi, 2023).
  1. Challenges and Clarity:
    • Airbnb faced challenges during the pandemic, with cancellations and safety concerns (Airbnb, 2024). Their messaging had to adapt to address these issues, impacting consistency (Chung, & Sarnikar, 2022).
    • Host vs. Guest: Balancing narratives for hosts (income opportunity) and guests (unique stays) can be tricky. Sometimes, these priorities compete (Giannoni et al., 2021).

In summary, while Airbnb maintains a core message of belonging and authenticity, competing narratives (business travel, luxury, safety) occasionally dilute their brand story. Clarity and alignment remain essential for a strong brand identity.


4.   Determine whether the spokesperson or public image of Airbnb brand is the right one. If Airbnb brand doesn’t have a spokesperson, discuss whether it should.

Airbnb does not have a single official spokesperson, but various stakeholders shape its public image:

  1. Founders and Leadership: Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk (the founders) have influenced Airbnb’s image (Airbnb, 2024). Their entrepreneurial journey and vision enhance the brand’s authenticity (Reinhold & Dlnical, 2018).
  2. Hosts and Guests: Airbnb’s community of hosts and guests play a significant role (Sakr et al., 2024). Their stories, reviews, and interactions create an authentic image. Hosts represent the brand personally (Chung, & Sarnikar, 2022).
  3. Marketing Campaigns: Airbnb’s marketing campaigns, such as the “Live There” campaign, have featured diverse individuals and conveyed the brand’s values and aspirations (Negi & Tripathi, 2023).
  4. Challenges and Controversies: Airbnb’s image is also influenced by controversies, such as safety concerns, housing impact, and legal battles (Airbnb, 2024). Managing these issues affects their public perception (Negi & Tripathi, 2023).
  5. Should Airbnb Have a Spokesperson?
    • Airbnb’s decentralised model (with millions of hosts) makes it challenging to have a single spokesperson (Chung, & Sarnikar, 2022).
    • However, a well-chosen ambassador (e.g., a respected traveller or local influencer) could enhance their image (Reinhold & Dlnical, 2018).
    • Airbnb should focus on community stories and shared experiences rather than a single face (Sakr et al., 2024).

In summary, Airbnb’s brand image emerges from a collective of voices, and while a spokesperson is not necessary, strategic storytelling remains crucial. 


5.      Assess whether your brand backs its promises with actions.

Airbnb backs its promises with actions:

1.      Authentic Experiences: Airbnb promises authentic experiences by connecting travellers with local hosts (Airbnb, 2024). Guests can stay in unique accommodations, from cosy apartments to quirky treehouses, and immerse themselves in local culture (Chung, & Sarnikar, 2022).

2.      Safety Measures: Airbnb has implemented safety measures, including verified profiles, secure payment systems, and reviews (Airbnb, 2024).  While incidents can occur, they actively address safety concerns (Reinhold & Dlnical, 2018).

3.      Community Building: Airbnb fosters community through its platform (Sakr et al., 2024).  Hosts and guests build connections, share stories, and create memorable experiences (Giannoni et al., 2021).

4.      Environmental Initiatives: Airbnb launched the “Airbnb.org” program, providing free stays for disaster relief and frontline workers. This aligns with their commitment to social impact (Negi & Tripathi, 2023).

5.      Diverse Representation: Their marketing campaigns feature diverse individuals, showcasing different backgrounds and lifestyles (Chung, & Sarnikar, 2022).

6.      Challenges and Controversies: Airbnb faces challenges related to housing impact, legal battles, and occasional adverse incidents (Airbnb, 2024). However, they continue to adapt and improve (Negi & Tripathi, 2023).

In summary, while not perfect, Airbnb takes steps to back its promises with actions, emphasising community, safety, and authenticity. 


6.      Provide a suggestion with concrete steps about how you might improve each of the areas you identify as a weakness.

 Airbnb can improve in the areas identified as weaknesses by considering the following steps:

  1. Safety Measures:
    • Enhanced Verification: Airbnb can strengthen host and guest verification processes (Stanković et al., 2023). This includes verifying government IDs, background checks, and ensuring accurate profile information (Reinhold & Dolnicar, 2018).
    • Safety Education: Airbnb needs to provide clear safety guidelines to hosts and guests (Stanković et al., 2023). They must educate users on precautions, emergency procedures, and reporting mechanisms (Sakr et al., 2024).
  2. Community Building:
    • Host Support: Airbnb needs to invest in host training and support (Sakr et al., 2024). Offer resources on hospitality, communication, and conflict resolution (Giannoni et al., 2021).
    • Local Events: Airbnb needs to organise local events where hosts and guests can connect (Sakr et al., 2024).  Foster a sense of community beyond transactions (Chung, & Sarnikar, 2022).
  3. Environmental Initiatives:
    • Sustainable Stays: Airbnb needs to encourage hosts to adopt eco-friendly practices (e.g., recycling, energy-efficient appliances) (Stanković et al., 2023). They must highlight sustainable feature listings (Sakr et al., 2024).
    • Carbon Offsetting: Explore partnerships for carbon offset programs related to travel (Sakr et al., 2024).  Offset the environmental impact of stays (Chung, & Sarnikar, 2022).
  4. Diverse Representation:
    • Inclusive Marketing: Ensure marketing campaigns represent diverse backgrounds, cultures, and lifestyles by avoiding stereotypes (Reinhold & Dlnical, 2018).
    • Accessibility: Promote accessible accommodations for travellers with disabilities (Stanković et al., 2023). Airbnb needs to highlight listings with accessible features (Giannoni et al., 2021).
  5. Challenges and Controversies:
    • Transparency: Be transparent about challenges and incidents (Sakr et al., 2024). Communicate with users about improvements and actions (Stanković et al., 2023).
    • Collaboration: Collaborate with local governments and communities to address housing impact and legal concerns (Airbnb, 2024).

In conclusion, by implementing these steps, Airbnb can enhance safety, community, sustainability, diversity, and transparency, reinforcing its brand promise.



Airbnb, (2024), Branding strategies of Airbnb, [online], adapted from, https://www.airbnb.co.uk/ [accessed on 23.06.2024]

Chung, Y. and Sarnikar, S., 2022. Understanding host marketing strategies on Airbnb and their impact on listing performance: a text analytics approach. Information Technology & People35(7), pp.2075-2097.

Giannoni, S., Brunstein, D., Guéniot, F. and Jouve, J., 2021. Multichannel distribution strategy of Airbnb hosts. Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights2(1), p.100017.

Negi, G. and Tripathi, S., 2023. Airbnb phenomenon: a review of literature and future research directions. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights6(5), pp.1909-1925.

Reinhold, S. and Dolnicar, S., 2018. Airbnb’s business model. Peer-to-peer accommodation networks, p.27.

Sakr, M.A.Q., Elsharnouby, M.H. and AbdelAziz, G.S., 2024. 15 years of Airbnb's authenticity that influenced activity participation: a systematic literature review. Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences6(1), pp.55-99.

Stanković, M., Anđelković, T., Mrdak, G. and Dimitrijević, B., 2023. Digital Business Ecosystem and digital marketing strategy of AirBnB company. KNOWLEDGE-International Journal57(1), pp.115-120.



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