What brands do you think are authentic? By Dr. Hasan

Brand Authenticity by
Dr. Hasan

How would you define Brand authenticity?  

Authenticity pertains to the characteristic of being genuine or genuine. It encompasses staying true to one's principles, exhibiting openness, and embracing one's vulnerabilities (Campagna et al., 2023). In the context of brands, authenticity entails narrating a tale that mirrors the brand's fundamental values, establishing trust, and nurturing significant connections with customers (Tseng & Wang, 2023).

Which brands do you perceive as authentic?  

  • Brands like Patagonia, known for environmental activism, and Ben & Jerry’s, which champions social causes, exemplify authenticity (Papadopoulou et al., 2023). Their actions align with their values, fostering trust and loyalty among consumers (Campagna et al., 2023).
  • Patagonia prioritises sustainability and environmental activism by producing long-lasting products and implementing various initiatives to minimise its ecological footprint (Papadopoulou et al., 2023).
  • Apple stands out as a genuine brand due to its dedication to ongoing innovation and high standards of quality that resonate with its fundamental principles and commitments (Tseng & Wang, 2023).
  • IKEA's authenticity is underscored by its practical, cost-effective, utilitarian designs, transparent, ethical practices, and unwavering focus on customer satisfaction (Papadopoulou et al., 2023).

What does the brand or brands do to make you think they are authentic?  

  • Authentic brands are characterised by their commitment to honesty and transparency. They do not shy away from telling the truth and are open about their operations (Campagna et al., 2023).
  • Moreover, these brands consistently deliver on their promises, ensuring their actions align with their words (Tseng & Wang, 2023).
  • Authentic brands are driven by their core values, which guide their decision-making processes and earn consumers' trust (Osorio et al., 2023).
  • Additionally, authentic brands proudly display their badges, creating a solid connection with their audience and fostering a sense of belonging (Papadopoulou et al., 2023).


How does that shape your attitude or behaviour towards the brand? 

  • When a brand is authentic, it shapes the attitude of the customers positively, making them more likely to support and engage with it. 

  • Perceived Authenticity: When a brand is perceived as genuine, it exudes a sense of truthfulness and sincerity (Osorio et al., 2023). This perception of authenticity can positively impact consumers, leading to increased trust and engagement with my brand (Campagna et al., 2023).

  • Emotional Engagement: Authentic brands can establish a deep emotional connection with consumers (Osorio et al., 2023). By fulfilling our innate need for honesty and genuineness, these brands can cultivate loyalty and garner support from their audience (Tseng & Wang, 2023).

  • Consistency: Authenticity is closely tied to the consistency of a brand's communication and actions (Papadopoulou et al., 2023). Brands that uphold a harmonious relationship between their values, behaviours, and messaging are viewed as more authentic (Osorio et al., 2023). Any discrepancies in this alignment may result in negative perceptions and a decline in brand reputation (Tseng & Wang, 2023).

  • Cultural Authenticity: Brands that accurately represent and engage with various cultures can provide consumers with a culturally enriching experience (Osorio et al., 2023). By staying true to core values and embracing diversity, these brands can enhance their authenticity and establish a meaningful connection with their target audience (Campagna et al., 2023).


Campagna, C.L., Donthu, N. and Yoo, B., 2023. Brand authenticity: literature review, comprehensive definition, and an amalgamated scale. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice31(2), pp.129-145.

Osorio, M.L., Centeno, E. and Cambra-Fierro, J., 2023. An empirical examination of human brand authenticity as a driver of brand love. Journal of Business Research165, p.114059.

Papadopoulou, C., Vardarsuyu, M. and Oghazi, P., 2023. Examining the relationships between brand authenticity, perceived value, and brand forgiveness: The role of cross-cultural happiness. Journal of Business Research167, p.114154.

Tseng, T.H. and Wang, H.Y., 2023. Consumer attitudes and purchase intentions towards internet celebrity self-brands: an integrated view of congruence, brand authenticity and internet celebrity involvement. Journal of Product & Brand Management32(6), pp.863-877.


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